Poltava is a picturesque, green city in central Ukraine with a thousand-year history, European culture, high educational standards and powerful industrial infrastruc-ture. Our city creates extraordinary opportunities for attracting investment. Our main resources are highly qualified staff. Every day we implement new models and methods of work, because Poltava is ready for mass cooperation and open to new opportunities.
Poltava is a city of regional significance in the Ukraine, the administrative center of the Poltava’s region with a population of 349 thousand people and almost 100 thousand refugees. An area of:103.8 km.
Poltava is located from a distance of 342,3 km from Kyiv, the capital of the Ukraine, which is located 148 km from Kharkiv, the second most populous city in the Ukraine. The international highway M03, is a part of the European route E40, which connects Kyiv, Poltava and Kharkiv.
The railway plays an active role with passengers and cargo transportation as well as motor transportation. There are two railway stations: Poltava-Kyivska and Poltava-Pivdenna. A high quality of transportation and logistic services are provided by an extensive network of accessing roads to industrial enterprises.
There are three bus stations in Poltava to get to the Ukrainian cities or to go abroad. You can go by bus to any European countries such as Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia etc.
Poltava is connected with the world by air routes of three airports. Since the invasion, started from February 24, 2022, all the airspace in the Ukraine has been restricted.

Poltava is an important industrial, business and scientific center of the Ukraine. There are more than 33 thousand enterprises, including more then 15 thousand legal entities and more then 18 thousand sole proprietress. The main sectors of Poltava’s economy are trade and services, mechanical engineering, production of building materials, manufacture of wooden products, paper production and printing, light industry, food industry. The IT-industry has been rapidly developed. Nowadays, there are more than 1000 IT-specialists in Poltava.
The city's enterprises continue to engage in foreign economic development. The main investors are the USA, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

It is planned to establish an Industrial Park "Poltava" in Poltava city’s territorial community in order to ensure economic development and increase the infrastructure sanitation of the community territory, create new jobs, manufacture competitive products. This is a modern, innovative, industrial complex with a developed engineering and transportation infrastructure, administrative and warehouse facilities in the community.

The implementation of this project will allow concentrating on industrial production in limited areas outside residential, historical, cultural and recreational areas.

Professional training of specialists is carried out by higher educational institutions of different forms of ownership and different levels of

accreditation. In Poltava, academic staff from colleges, technical schools, universities and academies provide highly qualified educational services.
Poltava is a convenient city with a high quality of life. Parks, public gardens, flower beds that take up more than 20% of the total area in the city. Therefore, not only residential buildings, but most office buildings are also surrounded by green areas, creating an atmosphere of peace and unity with nature. Clean air is not only a visiting card of the city however, it guarantees healthy living for the community, but also provides the basis for Poltava residents' with willingness for love, active lifestyles and sport. You will find in Poltava stadiums, swimming pools, tennis courts, football pitches, gyms and playgrounds with exercise equipment - anything you might need not only to keep your body healthy and in good shape, but to also go to the athletic peaks.
These various opportunities will be right next to your place of residence because Poltava is a small city with 5-7 km distance between the suburbs and downtown, an extensive and effective public transportation network. Poltava is an interesting, an exacting dream to invest in for future investment. |